
Token Name: Tokenarium

Token Symbol: TKNRM

Token Address: https://bscscan.com/address/0xd6F97d97EdfA1A4ea8bE15714386455B19A67524

Total Supply: TKNRM

Tokens For Presale: TKNRM

Tokens For Liquidity: 10.400.000.000 TKNRM

Tokens For Private Sale: โ‰ˆ<21.600.000.000 TKNRM

Burn: The total amount of tokens to split between private investors will depend on the Rate during the Fairlaunch. After getting the final token rate, the private investors will be able to claim $TKNRM. The remaining part of 21.600.000.000 will be burned.

Team tokens: NO TEAM TOKENS

Game-Fi Tokens

Supply: TKNRM

Game-Fi tokens were initially deployed to the contract.

Game-Fi tokens distribution is limited by 2% per day. Game-Fi tokens cannot be sent or withdrawn by contract owner.

Proof: https://bscscan.com/address/0xd6F97d97EdfA1A4ea8bE15714386455B19A67524#code#F1#L74

Game-Fi tokens distribution is limited by 2% per day.

Game-Fi tokens cannot be sent or withdrawn by contract owner.


 constructor() ERC20("Tokenarium", "TKNRM")
        // 50% owner/presale
        _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply / 2 );
        // 50% game
        gameTokens = initialSupply / 2;
        _mint(address(this), gameTokens );
        // restrict max budget to 2% of initial value
        maxPayOutBudget = gameTokens / 50;

Last updated